Gradient background
Poteau's logo is a football

Pick up soccer
around you,

Pick up soccer
whenever you want

Google Play badge
Picture of the app homepage (list of soccer games)

"The best app to play soccer in 2024"

according to our community

Pick up soccer
whenever you want

Scan to download the app

QR Code

How does it work?

Create your alerts

Whether you'd like to play on Wednesdays at 4pm or on Sundays at 10am, pick your slots and places you prefer.

Picture of the app alerts (where you can add alerts)
Picture of the app alerts (where you can add alerts)

Get invites

We'll let you know as soon as a game matching your alerts is scheduled.

Picture of a notification informing of a new game
Picture of a notification informing of a new game

Build your team

Invite your friends to complete your games as fast as possible.

Poteau users
Poteau users

Play soccer

And that's it: just meet on the pitch!

A player preparing to kick the Poteau logo

Come on, join a game this week ↓

Download Poteau

Here's Poteau, the app to play soccer.

Do you work in a soccer center?

Discover Poteau Max, the app to monetize your vacant fields.

Gradient background
Poteau's logo is a football

Pick up soccer
around you,

Google Play badge
Picture of the app homepage (list of soccer games)

"The best app to play soccer in 2024"

according to our community

Pick up soccer
whenever you want

Scan to download the app

QR Code

How does it work?

Create your alerts

Whether you'd like to play on Wednesdays at 4pm or on Sundays at 10am, pick your slots and places you prefer.

Picture of the app alerts (where you can add alerts)

Get invites

We'll let you know as soon as a game matching your alerts is scheduled.

Picture of a notification informing of a new game

Build your team

Invite your friends to complete your games as fast as possible.

Poteau users

Play soccer

And that's it: just meet on the pitch!

A player preparing to kick the Poteau logo

Come on, join a game this week ↓

Download Poteau

Here's Poteau, the app to play soccer.

Do you work in a soccer center?

Discover Poteau Max, the app to monetize your vacant fields.
